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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  February 23, 2013 4:00pm-4:30pm EST

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>> gregg: to california, texas, south dakota and oregon and washington and michigan! and then we're going to d.c. to take back the white house! yeah! >> yeah! >> the scream ser soothsayer and they really know what is up. only the rich is going to end up paying more for all this big government. bend over. this is going to hurt. [ laughter ] >> neil: i'm neil cavuto and leave it to a doctor, a doctor to give us all the dose of reality. former democratic presidential
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candidate howard dean. he also knows how to count. >> somebody has to tell the middle-class that either your taxes are going up or program is going to get cut or we're going into financial oblivion and nobody wants to tell them that. >> neil: there is the diagnosis. you want big government. you got to pay for big government and with more going out, yeah! the doctor's present scripting is right. just like doing it that is our dilemma we cut or we hike. what are you going to get? so to spen stein, charles payne, adam, charles payne speaks words of wisdom. >> 160 million americans feel the pain. it's interesting what howard dean had to say and what the "new york times" had to say they are trying to get the rest of the country and we're going out
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for rich bastards that took the money but you are going to have to chip in because we're going to have a giant society with all kind of goodies and it' going to be everything. just wear spandex uniform. [ laughter ] >> neil: i would have remembered the spandex thing. dagen? >> i think howard dean is telling the truth. he could have showed a little more energy in the interview he gave but it's all in the face what you hear from the white house and president. somehow the rich can foot the bill. it's what we've been talking about on the show. if you want big government you have to figure out a way to pay for it. almost half of americans pay no federal income tax. so health or high water they are going to pay. >> neil: the fact of the matter,
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howard dean didn't say anything before the election. i am grateful and reminding us, basic math right now. i don't know certainly if there would be official appetite to tell the middle-class he is right? >> i don't think there ever is good time to tell people that taxes are going to be raised. you have been torturing me for years. the rich can avoid it than the middle-class. taxes have to go up. >> by that definition. they have to go up because we have no will to cut spending? >> we have no will to cut spending. we should cut spending. we have got to raise taxes. high spending and low taxing government. the party is over. sorry, the party is over. you have to pay taxes now. >> neil: could i interrupted that with a yeah! [ laughter ] >> neil: is ben right and is the
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good doctor right? >> he is right about the messaging of all of this. president doesn't want to say that the republicans don't want to say it but don't believe it. the republicans don't want to raise taxes for any reason whatsoever because.... >> neil: they just did. that is where i want to go with this. what the good doctor is not looking at is.... >> neil: i don't even have any idea he was a good doctor. >> you love to play the scream from 2004. but taxes are going up and not just on the rich bastards that charles represents. the affordable care act, i refuse to call it obamacare will raise taxes on everybody. payroll tax going up raises taxes on everybody. so whether or not the
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politicians say so it is happening. i agree with ben, it's a good thing that it is happening, it has to happen. >> neil: i don't know if ben said it's a good thing. >> it that is to happen. >> neil: arithmetic has a certain power that can't be denied. >> and here is i am going fight your arithmetic. we have to pay more in taxes because we don't have the will to resolve or the interest in cutting the size of government the way it is now, then we might as well surrender our wallets and get more out of it. >> i'm afraid something like that is going to have to happen. we're been voting for spending more and more for decades. we have been cutting back since mr. bush took office we have to raise taxes. a lot of us are going to have to turn over our wallets. government has a business plan for doing that. he'll do it at the point of a gun. go to a federal penitentiary if
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you don't do it. >> neil: that is scary i ri. >> got to listen. >> dagen, don't you think part of the emergency here howard dean is trying to push the president sooner rather than later. you and i love big government. we're big fans of what you are doing and what you are amassing. get it out to charles' pointed if you like all these wonderful things, it is in your interest to pay more for it? >> part of that. i think the republicans can take away what howard dean is saying, as well. it's your choice -- spend or cut hire taxes. you like the fact that you have all this medicare that you get all these services, well, the american people are going to have to pay more for that. that is your choice. if you laid out the argument that way, i think at least you
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would be able to make an honest decision. i am willing to give this up. i am willing to give this up. we would be able to cut spending in the way we haven't been. >> neil: the irony in all of this when push comes to shove, this is everything that romney said. when he talked about the 47%, you talk about the people and targeting me, i'm a military person or targeting me i'm a retiree -- all very good arguments. you have given your contributions. you have given a good deal of money to society. what he was saying how did it get to the point that some of us are not paying any federal income taxes. sure enough you have howard dean come along that can't continue. >> ben just said we voted more for these taxes over the last several years. ben is right. but the we part of it, the what
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romney talked about what happens when the we have to put more skin in the game because they are going to have to to put more skin in the game. by the way, here is the problem with all of this. this is big problem. higher taxes don't negate spending. if we raise the taxes a trillion the government would spend two trillion. it's giving crack addict more crack to make him stop by giving him more. >> then charles you are predicting the end of america and i can't be that pessimistic. >> listen, i don't want to say pessimistic. look at human nature. look around the world. plans for 30 years, unemployment 7% in france. we can see our own eyes. >> note all of them. just one actor. >> you've got more billionaires
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in moscow and beijing than all of france combined. rest of the world gets it and the rest goes under this doctrine. >> you are not going to say china is lighter in terms of taxation. chinese state owns the whole country. that is why they are low tax society. this country is capable of great discipline. >> as far as discipline it would be left someone that is honest i'm going to cut spending. we have to take some pain at some point. there is a limit how much we can tax ourselves. take away some of this mortgage interested deduction. >> neil: he pays for homes in cash. you seem upset. forget about getting on the wrong side of the super hero. it's this family you have would worry about. the simpsons might have a ride
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at universal theme park in orlando but they are about to be taken for a ride. >> hospital please. get a shareable pool of data... got enough joshua trees? ... on up to 25 devices. so you can spend less time... yea, the golden barrels... managing wireless costs and technology and more time driving your business potential. looks like we're going to need to order more agaves... ah! oh! ow! ... and more bandages. that's powerful. sharble data plus unlimited talk and text. now save $50 on a droid razr maxx hd by motorola. [ boy ] i used to hate eating healthy stuff. but badger likes it, so i do too. i used to have bad dreams,
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wherever your business takes you, nobody keeps you on the rd like progressive commercial auto. [ flo speaking japanese ] [ shouting in japanese ] we work wherever you work. now, that's progressive. call or click today. >>. live from america's news headquarters, i'm art art. dramatic video of floods hammering italy and greece. on the right side of screen you see a woman in athens being rescued from surgery go water. another woman was reportedly killed being trapped in her car. one person is missing and on the left you see the narrow streets turned into raging rivers. >> new calls into a serious west coast toxic waste spill. six tanks in hanford, washington
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are leaking and it is most contaminated site. there is no immediate risk to public safety because it could take years for chemicals to reach groundwater. they are demanding an investigation at the site. i'm arthel nevil. back to cavuto on business. >> camera, action. >> neil: talk about a health care disaster movie. the way this is playing out. for universal at orlando, spider-man is caught in the same web and hulk is feeling green for a reason. the theme parted is dropping health care insurance because of the president's health care law. part of this is coming, part of the benefits and it was sold out individual companies are now
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being wiped away. >> it was a problem because a lot of the companies were getting temporary loopholes or set asides. burger king actual tumly said can we have definition of a full time worker, 40 hours, 30 hours. they are trying to figure on a way to keep employees and also crazy obligations of obamacare. so far i haven't heard one good story about it. >> neil: the irony we have more people without health care because of disruptions because of things like this. the promise that it will be brought on board as presumably the part-time workers. >> we have no idea how many people will lose coverage from their companies. the cbo back in 2010 estimated that three million people would get from employer sponsored plans, that number doubled in two years. the estimates -- and you are
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seeing it's going up so much they are dropping spousal coverage from their plan. there is no way to go. if you have 50 employees that work 30 hours or more you have to give them health insurance. you will see people working fewer hours and people won't be hiring because they don't want to hit the 50-employee threshold. >> there is a great economist named frank knight. take advantage of all government subsidies. this is clear example of that. people are going to advantage of giant subsidy and, of course, it's not free. the rest of us will be paying for it. upper income taxpayers will be paying for it. there is a surcharge and we're going to be paying for it. yet another obama transfer of wealth from hard working people to middle income and lower income people. that is all right with me but
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let's not kid ourselves if obama some find way of bending healthcare. that was all just nonsense. >> neil: adam, do you feel guilty? >> every day, but not because of this. [ laughter ] >> that is good. >> i enjoyed those cool brands we had an opportunity to show at the beginning of this segment. what we didn't talk about is this affects about 3% of universal orlando's 17,000 employees. the other 90% they are continuing to cover. and ben is right, you should take advantage of a subsidy when you can. you can cover tens of millions of more americans that were covered before. >> neil: but we're not at that point. those who have their coverage, including i suspect those full time workers at universal will continue having that coverage, they are paying through the nose
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for it. premiums have gone through the roof. she works with kids and it is going through the roof there. that was not envisioned. >> but before this what we doing as society is paying for people to go to the emergency room when they didn't have health insurance. >> neil: it was it cheaper that way? this is costing a lot right now? >> i don't know the evidence proves that point. we're going to have to wait and see and regulations are fully written. >> neil: premiums up 24% in two and a half years. that is not anecdotal. it's not welcome? >> it doesn't prove anything. >> neil: it's gotten a hell lot more expensive and you mr. president told me that wasn't going to be case and you mr. president said this was
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going to be great and everyone would be covered. the days of people running to emergency rooms to be looked at for bad cold or worse were over. not happening. >> i feel very guilty after all of that. >> neil: you should. what you have inflicted upon all of us. charms, it's going get worse? >> the anecdotal evidence is going to be much more painful. >> neil: higher taxes. >> the landscape is changing for health care in this country and not for the better. >> neil: we're going to all become incredible hulks. forget about where is the beef. with food prices soaring should that be scaring d.c. than any spending cuts. next, how would you feel if your
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school played its football games at prison park? one university already getting slammed over the selling the naming rights to its stadiums. someone's message to those critics -- lock them up. [ coughs ] [ angry gibberish ] i took something for my sinus, but i still have this cough. [ male announcer ] a lot of sinus products don't treat cough. they don't? [ male announcer ] nope, but alka seltzer plus severe sinus does it treats your worst sinus symptoms, plus that annoying cough. [ breathes deeply ] ♪ oh, what a relief it is! [ angry gibberish ] prego?! but i've been buying ragu for years. [ thinking ] i wonderhat other questionable choices i've made? [ club scene music ] [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. we all work remotely so this is a big deal, our first full team gathering! i wanted to call on a few people.
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ashley, ashley marshall... here. since we're often all on the move, ashley suggested we use fedex office to hold packages for us. great job. [ applause ] thank you. and on a protocol note, i'd like to talk to tim hill about his tendency to use all caps in emails. [ shouting ] oh i'm sorry guys. ah sometimes the caps lock gets stuck on my keyboard. hey do you wanna get a drink later? [ male announcer ] hold packages at any fedex office location. to get our adt security system. and one really big reason -- the house next door. our neighbor's house was broken into. luckily, her family wasn't there, but what if this happened here? what if our girls were home? and since we can't monitor everything 24/7, we got someone who could. adt. [ male announcer ] while some companies are new to home security, a has been helping to save lives for over 135 years. we have more monitoring centers, more of tomorrow's technology right here today, and more value. 24/7 monitoring against burglary, fire, and high levels of carbon monoxide starting at just over $1 a day.
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and now get adt installed for just $99. isn't your family worth america's number-one security company, adt? our girls got us thinki, but the break-in got us calling. and after buying two of everything, it was nice to only need one security system -- adt. [ male announcer ] get adt installed for just $99. and ask about adt pulse, advanced home management here today. adt. always there. >> neil: crying foul over the name of a stadium in florida. naming its stadium after a company that owns prisons.
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>> right makes me we'll see the lecture alma mater of yale. would that be a good or bad thing? >> i don't think yale will do it because they don't name halls for republicans. [ laughter ] >> what do you think of this trend. >> republicans, this is about college sports which is already such a corrupt money grubbing business. take the money and who cares. >> i agree take the money. >> neil: wait. come in handy. you agree with adam. >> and raising tuition even more. >> here is the thing, you hit on the key point that invariably
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the idea just from movie theaters, remember necessity started the nonsense and doing the commercials and contain ticket prices. the lying scum. >> that is very harsh. >> neil: ben, you know the commercials and movie tickets are still outrageous. this is going to defray costs it won't. >> it's about more money for the athletic department. it's a big lie this is going to pay for extra books in the library. no way. >> it's only if the problem if cheerleaders start wearing orange jump suits. >> neil: i wouldn't have thought of that. stop. i want to thank dagen and a lot more coming up. the market looking so good, so good, ben stein is picking a stock. we have charles pain in agreement and ben stein picking stocks, we're very v close to me
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eating vegetables. my insurance rates e probably gonna double. but, dad, you've got... [ voice of dennis ] allstate. with accident forgiveness, they guarantee your rates won't go up just because of an accident. smart kid. [ voice of dennis ] indeed. are you in good hands?
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>>. >> neil: all right, stocks are still higher. >> i love railroads so i will take csx, very well run railroad. i love it. >> neil: what about that. >> i love railroads even before warren buffett by i like tennessee wyoming more than that one. >> i'm for a company ultra salons, beauty salons and amazing company. the ceo left the company and got hit but amazing buying opportunity. >> neil: adam? >> i hated to doubt you, charles, but it sounds fadish to me. >> neil: what are you doing, adam? >> company called home away. they help people r


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